Monday, December 12, 2022

Published December 12, 2022 by with 0 comment




Mothithang Higher Secondary School

Thimphu Dzongkhag


22nd July 2022


Thimphu Thrompon

Thimphu Thromde


Welcoming for School Marathon Day


Respected dasho,


With high regards,I student leader of Mothithang Higher Secondary School  would like to lay down some few facts under your kind consideration. On behalf of school, I  would like invite you as a chief guest on School Marathon Day.


The marathon will be held on August 15 2022 to commensurate independence day of India. The marathon will take place in Changlimithang at 9 AM sharp. This event is organized by Embassy of India inorder to keep the relation between  two neighboring countries well built and to celebrate their 76th independence day.


Please confirm your availability and we look forward to your presence on the event.


Thanking you.


Yours sincerely,

Karma Tashi

(student leader)



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