Thursday, September 1, 2022

Published September 01, 2022 by with 7 comments

News report





Frequent road block between Pugli – Gomtu and Dholey – Gomtu continues to cause troubles to commuters because of the non-stop rainfall. This leads students unable to attend their normal classes on time.

Picture: Pugli river 

Photo:Students waiting at the river site for river level to decrease.

Incessant heavy rain in last few days triggered roadblocks at Gomtu. The roadblocks cannot be cleared easily so the students needs to wait at the river with the hope to clear the river and the river level to decrease. Head of companies ,school management and local government(Gups and Tshogpas) supports to enable students to attend their normal classes and to return back to home safely.

Photos:Students from Dholey and Anderi crossing Sukti river

“The roadblocks had been causing alots of problems for both students and elders coming from Pugli,Quarry and Tata. Even if we have an important work , we cannot do the work and needs to postponed it. We being student, we misses our regular classes and we are left behind when other student attends the classes.Our classes gets disturbed.” According to a student studying in Gomtu HSS. 

Another student coming from Dholey says “ We misses our first two periods, sometimes we cannot attend our classes too. We don’t know about the information that teachers told to do.Classworks becomes homework for us when we don’t attend the class.”

Photo: Students arriving late to school because of river.

Head of companies,school management and parents are trying their best for smooth tranportation of students.
