Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Published December 14, 2022 by with 0 comment


The value of book

To read book is everyone's pleasure,
Books are key to wisdom's treasure.

It takes us to various places increasing the world view.

When the dark cloud of misery engulf us,books comes to rescue.

Books stand by us through thick and thin,
They never betray us.

Reading books kills our boredom,reduces stress, and increases attention span.

Book enriches the languages and vocabulary,gives us fresh ideas ,
Yet books are everyone's best friends.
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Published December 14, 2022 by with 0 comment


It is the eight letter word which seems very simple but playes important role in maintanence of human character,which is crown and glory of human life.Character is the more valuable than the wealth. As per the combridge Oxford reference dictionary,attitude is define as a way of thinking or feeling about someone or something.It is defined as a posture of the body and self confident or hostle behavior. Positive attitude indeed means having capacity to think in right way in right time.Superior and subordinates, negative attitude is vice versa.

Although many of us speak on 'attitude' in crowd,but there is only few who makes use of it.I can say that, it is not only the problem in our country but it is worldwide,I can say.Attitudes includes everything such as politeness, sincerity,good manners ,having honour to others honesty and many other things.Whenever we go,first we are judged upon attitudes.

In many school, teachers comments on attitude as it is root of character, attitude be cultivated by others but it should developed within ourselves. Attitude is also root of disputes. In school many problems arises just because of hostile attitude.we know, a person having postive attitude isnloved and respected by every one. So in order to have respect and loved by every one we need to build up postive attitude.

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Published December 14, 2022 by with 0 comment



Failure are part of our life,

Everyone fails in their life.

It is first attempt in our life,

That leads us to success.

No one succeed without failure,

Failure is opportunity to overcome the challenges more competently.

We just need to redouble our efforts.

Failure is a highway to success,

We face variety of challenges,

But we shouldn't give up,

As giving up isn't a solution.

Even the most successful person,

Have failed in their life,

But they haven't given up and tried their best to achieve motive behind them.

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Monday, December 12, 2022

Published December 12, 2022 by with 0 comment



Television is chewing gum of our eyes

it grabs everybody's attention

it gives us lots of information and increases our creativity

Television never bore anyone

it makes us happy all the time

updating on latest news and connecting us with world

nevertheless,Television is dangerous too,

it distracts and waste our precious time

it negatively inspire and influence people 

and make people more voilent


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Published December 12, 2022 by with 0 comment




Mothithang Higher Secondary School

Thimphu Dzongkhag


22nd July 2022


Thimphu Thrompon

Thimphu Thromde


Welcoming for School Marathon Day


Respected dasho,


With high regards,I student leader of Mothithang Higher Secondary School  would like to lay down some few facts under your kind consideration. On behalf of school, I  would like invite you as a chief guest on School Marathon Day.


The marathon will be held on August 15 2022 to commensurate independence day of India. The marathon will take place in Changlimithang at 9 AM sharp. This event is organized by Embassy of India inorder to keep the relation between  two neighboring countries well built and to celebrate their 76th independence day.


Please confirm your availability and we look forward to your presence on the event.


Thanking you.


Yours sincerely,

Karma Tashi

(student leader)

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