Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Published November 29, 2022 by with 0 comment

Report writing

 Impact on social media on youth

by:student of ghss

Recently,a seminar on the topic, impact on social media on youth was organized on November 16,2022.

The event was organized inorder to advocate the children on the positive and negative impacts of social media on youths and how it influences the youths. The event began with the felicitation of guest speaker - Dasho OC of Gomtu. This was followed by principal. Dasho reflected vast insights and knowlegde about the topic and emphasized the important of using social media efficiently . The event ended with the round of question and answering sessions.

The hour long event thanks with the vote of thanks.

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Published November 29, 2022 by with 0 comment


                  - LOML

When I think of her, I remember her always 
smiling in every situation.
The smile in her face brings smile in mine
The way she manages the family.
The love she provides, the care she gives, the support she rears
be the causes of me yesterday, today and tomorrow.

Only uneducated one from her family,
but smartest and most insightful girl I know.
She is an inspiration, role model and a motivatort
the love of my life 

She loved me right from the start,
holds me right close to her heart 
and gives me never ending cares,
For me she the best if all.

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Sunday, November 13, 2022

Published November 13, 2022 by with 2 comments

Covid Batch(2020-2021)

We successfully completed our lower secondary school. It was fun meeting the mates after a month vacation. The hallelujah atmosphere was been created but as a saying goes ' with happiness comes sadness' , everyone was exhilarating ..at the same time little of sadness and stress were present as well . After completion of grade eight, we are to opt one  from three streams (Economics, Environmental science and Agriculture) here the worst part was more numbers of student were opting for Economics and therefore triggered to split into two sections, some of the friends were departed from each other. 
I also opt for Economics and the section I got was 'B' (lX B).The best part was I already made a new friend, she was transferred from another school  (Orong CS). Her name is Kelzang Yuden. We became best friends, we still are and we will be. I usually don't prefer back seat but unfortunately we got the back seat. It was a very awkward moment for her, forget about her I being here from the pre primary was also feeling very uneasy. The class was very busy, many groups were formed, chitchatting, laughing, giggling but me and Kelzang, we just witnessed other's dramas and mind our own business.

Priya Jain rightly said " happiness and sadness are best friends. They come in our life together." Not only with Kelzang, I was getting along with my other classmates as well but sadness knocked the door of our life and entered, the greatest enemy of yesterday and today ( Coronavirus).

 It was only two to three months reporting to school and the lockdown occurred. "distance never kills bond of friendship' , and credit goes to the technology , we classmates were able to keep in contact with one another. 

X 'B' with class teacher and subject teachers during teacher' s day

Under the strict protocols, grade nine to twelve were asked to come to school and this was very good opportunity to spend our time together. We made memories especially with JK sir( it was his last year in our country and we miss him alot).The classmates of the batch was an inspiration in their own way, boys were as my brothers and girls as sisters.The best thing of the class was the constant support and cooperation provided to and by each other.

Photo session with JK sir during National Day 2020

Grade ten (common exam) instead of focusing on our studies, we search ways to create new memories together and I vividly remember each and every moments we created together especially making our class teacher Sir Nandalal emotional and cry on his birthday. Even though the class was noisiest and craziest of all but all of the classmates were fun and supportive to one another. They made my covid years better.
 It is said that a person always remembers their first day at school and their last day at school but to me I don't remember my first day at school or I don't think that I would remember my last day of school but the memories I created in grade nine and ten will be always remembered and cherished, which will last rest of my life.

memories were well captured, well credit goes to Kahn for inventing cameras in phone and its the picture taken during our class teacher's birthday .

Photo clicked during the farewell for class 10 and 12

Two silent person filled with talents..

Everything ends  but memories last forever!!

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