Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Published October 05, 2022 by with 0 comment



By: Tshering Pelden

Class XI Science

Online journal, BLOG is like a diary where one can share their experiences, hobbies, feelings and many more. This diary can be the very best way to keep oneself engaged themselves and have the power to subdue the boredom. It is the platform where we can follow others, spend our time reading their articles and acquire new knowledge. It is not only the key for sharing, reading, following and gains knowledge but also the key for earning for bread and butter.


Class XI Science students of Gomtu HSS masters new knowledge for learning. This idea is new for many of us and increases learning to the higher level. The concept of blogging was taught to us by our English teacher Mrs.Kezang Wangmo. Everyone has a big smile on their face and shows 100% interest while blogging. Blogging developed a very good learning atmosphere, have Enthusiasm for learning and connecting each other. This different type of learning style made us to be more analytical, develop our thinking muscles and develop our writing skills which will be attached with us forever. We have great time reading others articles and commenting on their articles which connects us together and raise our voice for our passions.

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